I: Mike, Kelly, it's good to meet you both.
M: We're glad to be here, Ian.
K: Likewise.
I: I guess, what the readers will want to know first: how did you both get into the teeth whitening game?
K: Mike tells it better than I do, really. He was here at the beginning.
M: It's true. I've been here since the inception.
I: So, does this require any special medical degree?
M: Is a philosophy degree a medical degree? (laughs) Really, I had been working for a Verizon kiosk in Charlotte, and when the teeth whitening booth opened up in their mall I tried it out. That was around Christmas of 2006. They were able to get years of coffee stains off my teeth before seeing my family for the holidays. I knew this was going to take off. I just needed a small business loan and a location.
I: And that lead you here?
M: This was actually my backup. I was originally trying to get in across the street. A shopping center was opening up at the time, and there were storefronts for lease. From my years with the Verizon kiosk I knew that our customers were always more comfortable in the store than they were at the kiosk. People tend to just buy car chargers and face plates for their phones at the kiosk. Customers will do their major purchases at the stores, and pay bills. So, getting a storefront was key. Unfortunately, Subway was quick, and knew the legal game a little better than I did.
K: They're pretty big here.
M: Yeah. And, like I said, they know what they're doing. So, I took up shop here. I bought a franchise and got "the kit." You know, the chairs, the lasers.
K: The chairs are the best part.
M: They're pretty comfy.
I: So, you didn't want to set up down by the movie theater or the candy shop on the other end of the mall?
K: We don't like to seem preachy. (laughs)
M: I figured the Bass shop draws people in here like gangbusters, so what better place. This is prime real estate you're sitting in. And the peanut roaster is close by, so it smells good. People buy the peanuts and get some skin in their teeth, and by the time they get to us, they're thinking about their teeth.
K: You can see them coming. They hold their jaws a certain way.
I: I've noticed from watching you two that you don't jump out at the mall patrons.
M: Like Kelly said, we don't like to seem preachy.
K: This is one of those services that people either know they need, or it just seems extravagant to them.
M: Yeah. They'll come to us if they need us. Otherwise, we're content to watch those with confident smiles just walk past. We don't want to scare people off.
K: I know how I feel when one of those lotion girls comes up to me in the mall. We treat people as we would want to be treated.
I: And this method works?
M: Me and Kelly are pretty comfortable, so far.
K: Yeah, we're not hurting for business. The free time we get lets us do all kinds of stuff too. We're really each other's best friend.
I: I suppose this doesn't affect your personal lives too much?
M: It's great for friends. I don't have a single friend that doesn't have a bright smile.
K: Guys love a mouth full of white teeth. It's hypnotizing, I guess.
M: I know I like a good smile on a woman.
I: I can't argue with that, I guess. So, Kelly, where did you come into this equation?
K: Well, it's not a great story. I'm Mike's sister-in-law. See, I told you it wasn't a great story. (laughs)
I: You're married Mike? How about you, Kelly?
K: Nope. Haven't found Mr. Right yet. This job helps. I do like an outdoorsy guy, and that's what Bass attracts. If I wanted a fancier guy we could always move towards the Banana Republic outlet. (both laugh)
M: They have better smiles.
I: That's probably true. Judging by my smile, what would you say I am?
M: Open up. (examining teeth) I'd say you're more of a city boy with a love of sweets.
I: That's amazing. Can you do that with anyone?
M: It's really the first thing I notice about people. We were always told to smile for customers at the Verizon kiosk, but working here I really understand the depths of those smiles I was giving out, you know.
I: Did you notice Kelly's when you first met her?
M: Sure. When my wife introduced us I noticed she had a bright smile, but I was still with Verizon, so she just had pretty teeth to me. When I opened up this place she was really excited to be a part of it when my wife told her about it.
K: It's true.
I: And Kelly, is there any jealousy now between your sister and you over Mike's attention?
K: No. I suppose she gets to see him a lot more than I do. Of course, most of that time is sleeping. (both laugh)
M: There's no jealousy at all, Ian.
I: Well, I'm going to wrap this up and go get an Orange Julius. I thank you both for taking time to kick back and share some of your story with my readers.
K: Oh sure.
M: Thanks for coming by. We'll see you again soon. Remember to brush after that Orange Julius. Or chew some gum.
That's all for this week. Next week, we'll be kicking out the really good questions. Co-worker fantasies and pop culture likes and dislikes. A big thank you to Mike and Kelly, and to the good people at Concord Mill Outlet Mall. See you all next week.