Found these gummy candies at the Super Asian Market in Cary. I'm behind the times. I see them all the time, but never buy them. So, I finally broke down and bought some and they are delicious. Word of warning: don't buy the grape flavor unless you like medicine.
Stephen and I just discovered these at the Korean Market! But I like the grape ones. They taste just like grape juice. Why are you so anti-grape juice, Lil Jeffie? Why you gotta be such a hater?
I was a little disappointed in the kiwi ones, they lacked the bouyancy and elasticity of the other gummis, with a texture more akin to swedish fish (though slightly gummier.)
How are the orange? My favorite so far are the apple (captured in all their splendorous packaging in your picture) and the muscat. I'm only vaguely aware of what a muscat is and less than dimly aware of what one should taste like, but the gummis taste like white wine coolers. Which sounds totally gross, but tastes like kissing drunk girls. Drunk YOUNG girls. In other words: like heaven with lip gloss.
Actually, if I had some lip gloss and a bag of muscat Korean gummis, I could relive some of my finest teenage trysts.
Looks like my Sunday just got booked. Don't tell my mom.
I ain't hatin' on no grape juice. I'll be the first to stand up and proclaim that sparkling grape juice has gotten me through many New Year's Eve celebrations that could have been awkward with anything non-sparkling in my hand. The muscat ones just taste like butty medicine. It's gross. Maybe there's another grape flavor I missed. I'll return to the market and check. I only got through a few boxes after apple because apple anything gets me fidgety and excited. More on my travels later.
Stephen is totally right. Tastes like kissing college freshmen. Sometimes, I miss girls. More often, I miss you. Lil Jeffie, how comes you don't post no more?
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