Thursday, August 27

Attn: M. Night Shyamalan

Just so you don't steal this idea, because it's mine!  I had it.  The idea is a disaster movie/post 9/11 terrorist thriller.  When buildings start to collapse around the city, panic ensues and the military is called in.  Suddenly, terrorist sleeper cells are exposed and racial profiling takes a hold of the city.  Everyone is blaming their neighbor and saying their goodbyes because they may be next.  Foreign anti-American organizations start to take credit for the destroyed buildings, but when they can't/won't say what the next target will be they are dismissed.  Here's the twist.  Eventually, due to people being in the right place at the right time, and survivor accounts, it is discovered that the buildings are not being bombed.  They are simply old, and have not been taken care of well.  Somewhere in the hustle and bustle of the the highly disposable ethos of the 21st century people forgot that things will not simply take care of themselves.  They must be nurtured and watched over, maintained, and sometimes replaced.  Otherwise, the harsh reality is, everything will fall apart.

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