Wednesday, August 5

Your mama jokes:

Before we begin, there is a difference between the following and what you may have heard on a short-lived MTV diss competition show.  Your mama jokes are a very different animal, as is evident below.
- Your mama is so fat that it causes me to worry about her comfort level as she walks around.
- Your mama is so fat I had to make myself stop looking.  I'm so sorry about your mom.
- Your mama is so fat I cried last night before falling asleep.
- Your mama is so fat.  I hope she doesn't develop diabetes.  How's her diet?
- Your mama is so fat that I feel bad even saying anything about it, but I worry.
- Your mama is so fat I saw her kicking cans down the street the other day, and I asked her what she was doing, and she replied, "Moving these cans."  It was good to see your mom out of the house.
- Your mama is so fat that I thought of a very rude joke the other day, and felt bad about myself.  Sorry.  I'm just glad I told you.
- Your mama is so fat she might be more comfortable in a bigger car.  Something with more ground clearance.

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